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Fact:  Since Citizens United, companies have greater ability to impact elections than ever.
We all have a stake in what they do.

We believe corporate political spending  should be transparent.

The public and shareholders have a right to know.

Get involved

Logo VanguardVanguard is the largest manager of retirement savings in the country. Yet they have not supported other shareholders calls for corporations to disclose their political spending. Not only is this bad for democracy, this information could help investors make better choices.

Are you a Vanguard client? Check out our 1- pager on dialoguing with the company about your concerns over political spending disclosure.

Report Back: Did you communicate with Vanguard that it should support political spending disclosure? Tell us about it here.

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Fact: Nearly half of all households own stock in corporations through a retirement or mutual fund. 
Poor political spending choices by corporate execs can directly cost you money.

Corporate political spending must make business sense and respect our democracy.

Shareholders should know how their money is being spent in politics.
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